



今日は好天に恵まれた松本。 全国で七夕の行事が行われていますが、ここ松本は遅れ月のため8月7日まで行います。

Matsumoto was blessed with good weather today. Tanabata events are held all over the country, but here in Matsumoto it will be held until August 7 due to the late month.

Matsumoto Tanabata dolls found all over the city.
The "hanging doll" that is made of paper and hung on the eaves on the porch is famous. Have a nice night, everyone.


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From July 1st to September 30th, the Shinshu Destination Campaign will finally begin in Nagano Prefecture.

Held for the first time in seven years, we propose an attractive trip with the catchphrases "World-class mountain resort" and "Mountain Shinshu". This summer, Shinshu, where the Myojinkan is located, is getting more attention, and it was published in the popular local information magazines "KURA" and "OZ Magazine TRIP Summer Issue" with a plan suitable for his campaign!





夏至の夜 ☆キャンドルナイト☆




"Candle Night" is widespread all over the country. It will be held tomorrow, June 21st, at the summer solstice.

It seems that it will be held on the 17th, or it will be held for several days.
The Myojinkan also holds it every year in support of the concept.

For customers who have eaten, "Turn off the lights and have a slow night ..."
It is an event where each person can enjoy their own time and everyone's time as they wish with the swaying lights.
It will be held in the entire building, but you can also enjoy it in the main front lobby on the first floor, Salon 1050, and sleeping bath.

Cocktails are also available at Salon 1050 next to the front desk.
It is a new hotspot in Myojinkan.

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長野県が、養蜂の産地だということはあまり知られていないかもしれませんが、 明神館のある松本や安曇野周辺では、5月~6月白いきれいな花をつける《ニセアカシア》という 種類の木が咲き誇る時期です。


It may not be well known that Nagano Prefecture is a beekeeping production area, but around Matsumoto and Azumino, where the Myojinkan is located, there are trees of the type called "black locust" that have beautiful white flowers from May to June. It's time to bloom.

Flowers bloom all at once in spring, and you can see something called "spring nectar / hundred flower nectar"!
And from spring to this early summer is the best season for [honey harvesting].



There was a natural sweetness that I wondered if deliciousness means this kind of taste!

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田植えを終えて数日後、元気なアイガモのヒナが田んぼにはなたれました! 里山辺の園児たちが今年も一羽ずつ小さいアイガモさんを田んぼへ・・・

A few days after planting the rice, a healthy duck chick sank into the rice field! Satoyamabe children send small ducks to the rice fields one by one this year ... IMG_3217 みんなアイガモに興味深々・・・怖々見るだけの子もいましたが、一様に楽しそうです。

Everyone was very interested in ducks ... Some children just looked scared, but they seemed to have fun.IMG_3253IMG_3252




明神館から、車で15分ほどのところに先々代からの《田んぼ》があります。 毎年新入社員を初めとする明神館・グループのレストラン・ヒカリヤスタッフで 無農薬・無化学肥料を実践する《手植え》を体験し、お客様にお出しする米づくりを間近に 感じられるものとして続けています。

About 15 minutes by car from Myojinkan, there is a "rice field" from the previous generation. Every year, new employees and other Myojinkan, group restaurants, and Hikariya staff experience "hand-planting" that practices pesticide-free and chemical-free fertilizers, and we continue to make rice production for our customers feel up close. .. IMG_2903 ずっとお世話になっているダンディな鈴木さんに、田植えのコツを教えてもらい 皆で呼吸をあわせて行います。 農家出身のスタッフや田んぼに入るのも初めて・・・というスタッフとさまざま。

Mr. Suzuki, who has been indebted to me for a long time, will teach me the tips for planting rice, and we will all breathe together. There are various staff such as staff from farmers and staff who are new to entering rice fields.

The president's recommendation is "mud", which has a beautiful skin effect.
You can enter it barefoot, so your skin will look smooth like a natural pack (laughs).




松本には【楽都・学都・岳都】と表されるように様々な顔がありますが、 5月は街中で【工芸の五月】という大きなクラフトイベントが行われています。

Matsumoto has various faces, as it is described as [Rakuto / Gakuto / Taketo], but in May, a big craft event called [May of Crafts] is held in the city.

The last of these is the craft fair held at Agatanomori Park. It is an event with a history of more than 30 years, where crafts have taken root in the region ahead of the rest of the country.



Mr. Maeda, who was in charge of the direction when the Myojinkan was renewed, is a local artist who has a workshop in Miki. This photo is a collaboration between Mr. Maeda and French chef Tanabe.
Craft works make the look of food completely different. nishi_003_02

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明神館から車で10分くらいの場所に、江戸時代の建築が残る≪禅寺 徳運寺さん≫があります。

About 10 minutes by car from the Myojinkan, there is "Zenji Tokuunji-san", which retains the architecture of the Edo period.

The [Wisteria Festival] is being held now, and you can enjoy the three-colored wisteria in full bloom.

IMG_2868 ここ明神館では、今月15日~25日まで≪江戸時代の館で説法と座禅体験≫≪満開の藤の花見≫をセットにした プランをご用意しました。 五月の清々しい朝のひとときを、座禅を組みながら無心になる体験・・・・

Here at Myojinkan, from the 15th to the 25th of this month, we have prepared a plan that includes << preaching and zazen experience at the Edo period building >> << full bloom wisteria cherry blossom viewing >>. Experience the refreshing morning of May while meditation ...

It will be a memory of your trip. We will guide you to our guests. It is also a valuable cultural heritage that remains in the local area. You can also use the shuttle bus or your own car. Please feel free to ask the staff.




明神館の館内には、トリートメントルームがあり施術のあとにゆっくり温泉に入ったりして 《過ごし方のひとつ》として好評をいただいております。


There is a treatment room in the Myojinkan, and after the treatment, you can take a leisurely bath in the hot spring, which has been well received as "one of the ways to spend".

Until now, it was mainly used from check-in to dinner,
In the fresh green season, the treatment room Natura is proposing a "Morning Campaign".

You can make a reservation after breakfast [10: 00 ~], so please take a treatment after slowly waking up in the hot spring such as "Standing hot water" to make your body healthier from the back.

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Gently care for damaged skin with argan oil, shea butter, and marula oil.

◆ Make a reservation to the treatment room Natura Tel 0263-31-2271 (ext. 160) by 21:00 the day before use ◆

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While being healed by the aroma, refresh your feelings with a delicious drink.
Please try a new way of spending.