



『山の日』の三連休、お盆の連休と続き、甲子園での松商学園の勝利、松本山雅の活躍・・・と明神館・そして松本にも 熱い夏が過ぎようとしています(^^)

Following the three consecutive holidays of "Mountain Day" and the consecutive holidays of Obon, the victory of Matsusho Gakuen at Koshien, the success of Matsumoto Yamaga ... and the hot summer is about to pass in Myojinkan and Matsumoto (^) ^)

扉の森では、たくさんの動植物が楽しめますが、今の時期には とっても美しい貴重な『ミヤマアオアゲハ』が見られます。 自然の中で過ごす醍醐味ですよね。

You can enjoy a lot of flora and fauna in the door forest, but at this time of year, you can see the very beautiful and precious "Miyama Bluebottle". It's the real pleasure of spending time in nature, isn't it?



You can also enjoy "fireworks" at night.

May your trip with children be a summer day that will be a lifetime memory! !!

8月も後半になり、標高が1,000mを超えますので、夜は少しひんやり感じる日もあります。 残暑が厳しい都会とは少し違いますので、女性の方は、一枚上着を持ってこられることをおすすめします。 緑深き夏の明神館より。

In the latter half of August, the altitude will exceed 1,000m, so there are days when it feels a little cool at night. It is a little different from the city where the heat is harsh, so it is recommended that women bring a jacket. From the deep green summer Myojinkan.
